HOLIDAY CLOSING SCHEDULE: Our office will be closed for the Thanksgiving Holidays – November 29th thru December 1st. Office hours resume December 2nd. Our office will be closed for the Christmas Holidays – December 20th thru January 1st. Office hours resume on January 2nd.
Office Ordering Hours: Monday/Friday 10am to 2pm Central Time – Closed Weekends and Holidays
If you have questions about any products, or if you would like to check on shipping cost for items you are interested in, send us an email of your list, with your City, State, and zip code, or call office phone at 270-525-9977. When you are ready to place an order, call our Office, Monday thru Friday 10:00am – 2:00pm Central Time. Office is Closed on Saturday, Sunday, and Holidays. ALL ORDERS placed by phone call only. Sorry, due to the size of our products, we are unable to offer ordering by internet.
Safety Panel for Birthing pens
Add this panel to your kidding pens to allow kids or lambs to enter to a protected area and prevent doe or ewe from laying on them. Also good in grafting pens when doe is not in the Grafting Panel. This panel will fit right inside of Northeast Gate 5×5 Kidding pens or any 5ft wide stalled area.
Item number
$ 185
Grafting Panel
#GGP405 – 5′ wide Panel Pictured
Use for grafting kids to other does or ewes by having receiving animal’s head caught and restrained so kids/lambs can be easily grafted. This panel will interchange and attach to our other portable panels to be used in pens, or can be used alone.
Item number
4′ tall x 5′ wide Grafting Panel
$ 216.00
4′ tall x 4′ wide Grafting Panel
$ 208.00
4′ tall x 3′ wide Grafting Panel
$ 202.00
The # GGP403- 3ft wide Panel can ship individually by UPS/Fed Ex Ground, larger sizes ship by Freight Truck.
Other panels that can be used with the grafting panel as a pen are pictured in the panel section. All of our panels are interchangeable and connect together easily with drop pins. Or can be attached to a wall or post with ‘wall pockets’.
Economy Working/Grafting Chute for the Rancher with a small herd
Working Chute designed and priced for the Sheep or Goat Rancher with smaller herds. This chute sets on the ground. The head catch is the same style as our grafting panels. Makes working goats by one person much easier. Swing gate in back to hold the goat in the chute once they enter. Once the head is caught, doors can open on either side to give shots, trim hooves, etc. With this chute being at ground level, it can also be used for grafting lamb/kids. Panels can be purchased separately and attached behind, or to the side of the chute to make alleyways, holding pens, and grafting pens, if needed
This is a 150lb. Feed capacity creep feeder. It has a roller gate on the front that adjusts every 2″ so that the openings can be made 4″, 6″ or 8″. This creep feeder is 36″ long by 24″ wide and 30″ tall on 4″ legs and it is all galvanized, then powder coated in your color choice. Ideal for the Goat or Sheep Rancher with smaller sized herds so they can purchase a creep feeder with entrance creep area attached. This feeder weighs @ 80lbs empty.
Item number
150lb Mini-Creep Feeder
$ 619.00
Creep Feeder with Entrance Pen
Creep Feeder has an adjustable feed flow control and entrance gate that is also adjustable depending on the size of lambs and kids. Panels attach with drop pins for easy entry if needed. Feed is poured in easily from the top of the feeder on the back side. Holds 650 lbs of feed.
Item number
Creep Feeder with Entrance Pen
$ 1,153.00
Includes Creep feeder, two side panels and front Creep Feeder Panel with adjustable creep door.
Creep Feeder with 5ft entrance gate, with creep opening in gate
Same as Creep Feeder pictured above, only instead of a front panel on the holding pen, a 5ft Bow gate is used for easy entrance.
Item number
Creep Feeder with 5ft entrance gate, with creep opening in gate
$ 1,244.00
Creep Feeder Box Only (without Entrance Pen)
Creep Feeder Box: 50″ wide x 36″ deep. Rain visor: 9″ deep x 50″ wide. Feeding Trough area: 5″ deep x 48″ wide. Trough is 4″ tall. Top Lip of trough is 11 1/2″ off the ground. Feeder empty weighs @ 130lbs.
Our Creep Feeder is available alone without Pen. Feeding area has adjustable sliding feed control panel to manage how full feeder stays. Grain area will hold 650lbs of feed. Top has a lid for easy feed filling from the back of the feeder. This creep feeder is galvanized. NEW added feature at no extra charge, these creep feeders now come with a rain visor that can be raised or lowered over the feeding area to protect the feed from the weather. Powder coated in your color choice. See photos below of the current creep feeders. The photos above show all the other features.
Item number
Creep Feeder Box only
$ 778.00
Older models pictured above to show feeding area. All creep feeders do come with a rain visor as shown below.
Double Side Grain Feeder
Double Side Bulk Grain Feeder works well for ADULT Goats and Sheep and other similar sized livestock. Feeder has adjustable height legs. Leg height will adjust from 2″ to 16″. Feeder holds 250lbs of grain.
Item number
Double Side Grain Feeder
$ 784.00
Creep Feeder Panel with Roller Bar Entry Door
This new creep panel opening is now adjustable with removable “roller bars”. By removing the center bar, you have one opening 4″ wide and then by removing the two side bars and leaving the center, you have two openings 4 .5″ wide.
Item number
Creep Feeder Panel
$ 173.00
Bow Gates with Built in Creep Feeder Door This is a handy idea for creep feed areas when people have to enter regular. Kids and lambs can enter through the adjustable creep door in the middle of the gate, and the larger door makes it easy for people to enter the area for filling feeders, etc. Bow Gates can be attached to other panels with drop pins, or attached to wooden post with wall pockets.
Item number
5ft Bow Gate Panel w/ Creep Door
$ 270.00
All Panel gates now come with the new spring latch pictured to the left unless the older style vertical sliding latch is specified.
Item number
36 inch wide Bow Gate with Creep door
$ 222.00
Add this adjustable Roller Bar Creep Door to ANY size Panel or Gate for + $ 76.00 MORE
For those ranchers that don’t have that extra person around to hold lambs or kids to castrate or band, the BOY BASKET can make this job much easier. This holding basket is made with 6 gauge, 4″ x 4″ wire. The legs hang down between the mesh giving you safe and easy access to the job at hand.