Working Chutes and Sweep Tub Systems - For large and small sized livestock

HOLIDAY CLOSING SCHEDULE: Our office will be closed for the Thanksgiving Holidays – November 29th thru December 1st. Office hours resume December 2nd. Our office will be closed for the Christmas Holidays – December 20th thru January 1st. Office hours resume on January 2nd. 

Office Ordering Hours: Monday/Friday 10am to 2pm- Closed weekends and Holidays.

Office Phone: 270-525-9977                                        Email:

#GCE14 - Economy Working/grafting Chute

The #GCE14- Economy Working/Grafting Chute is designed and priced for the Sheep or Goat Rancher with smaller herds. This chute sets on the ground. The  Economy Working chute now comes with a ratching head lock system. Makes working goats by one person much easier. Swing gate in back to hold the goat in the chute once they enter. Once the head is caught, doors can open on either side to give shots, trim hooves, etc. With this chute being at ground level, it can also be used for grafting lamb/kids. This working chute now comes with a SOLID FLOOR as pictured. With the solid floor a scale can be added for weighing animals. Panels can be purchased separately and attached behind, or to the side of the chute to make alleyways, holding pens, and grafting pens, if needed. PLEASE NOTE: All Economy Chutes now come with a solid floor, so scales can be used in the chute if preferred. A spring latch has been added to the headgate section so animals can be released out the front. Outside Dimensions: 46″ tall x 55″ long x 20 3/4″ wide. Inside Dimensions:  43″ tall x 52″ long x 18 “wide, Top of ‘V” head opening 7″ wide, the bottom section is 3″ wide. The bar next to the latch can be removed to make a wider opening at the top if needed for larger sized goats/sheep. Made with 16 gauge- 1 3/8″ tubing. Chute weight: 130lbs. Choose any color from our color chart.         

Item numberProductPrice 
GCE14Economy Working/Grafting Chute $      858.00



PRICE: $ 2,150.00

Rough stock working chute for horses

ROUGH STOCK WORKING CHUTE FOR HARD TO HANDLE HORSES. This working chute is designed with the horse in mind. Sliding door on each end for entrance and exit. Or the entire front panel will open for the horse to exit from the side, if need be. You have the option on the front panel to be a left hand opening, or a right hand opening.  There are two smaller doors on the front panel that open for treatment. There is a cat walk on the back side of the chute to stand on when treatment is required to reach over the top of the chute and down to the animal. The cat walk will fold down when not in use.

ITEM NUMBER #: BCCH       PRICE: $ 9,025.00


Working Chute, Elevator Stand, Ramp, and chute side inserts weight @ 400lbs. **ADDED FEATURE**: This Working Chute now comes with removable side panels. Depending on size of animals, and need, you can use one, or both panels. The side panels prevent smaller animals from turning around once they enter the chute. Panels easily inserted and removed as needed.

Working Chute includes stand, ramp, and side inserts. Versatility is the key to making a long days work short, and this chute has the unique feature of a sorting gate built into a working chute, therefore, allowing one person the ability to hold, work, and sort animals with ease. This chute has a self-latching head gate which adjusts from 3 to 7 inches when closed, for small or large SHEEP AND GOATS. Nose bar included for tattooing and ear tagging. Panels open on both sides for easy access to animals for hoof trimming, vaccinating, treating wounds, etc. This new version is longer, taller, easier to use and has several other new features. Side panels pictured below also included.  Made with 1 3/8″- 16 gauge -galvanized tubing, and powder coated, this chute is guaranteed to last.  Portable Panels will interchange with this chute to make alleys and pens. This chute is longer taller and has added features compared to our older model

Item numberProductPrice 
GMWCELGoatMaster Working Chute $   2,118.00
Doors open on both sides for easy access to animals. Trim feet, vaccinate, treat wounds, etc.
Don't let the name fool you, this chute is ideal for working sheep, and other small livestock...

The Goatmaster Chute has the added features of a medicine tray on top and holders for your drench guns. It also has a protection bar over the self catching latch to keep animals from raising their heads and bumping the latch and escaping. Handles now have rubber grips to make opening and closing easier. The new chute is also long and taller. The nosebar has also been improved.

Easy Entry Ramp with swinging catch door at the top of the ramp, when animals enter chute. Note: Add a stop gate to your chute at the bottom of the ramp to hold an animal in the ramp area.

This Working Chute has a head gate that will adjust from 3-7 inches when closed and will hold large or small animals. It also comes with a nose restrainer that is ideal for tatooing and ear tagging.  The nose restrainer can easily be removed when not needed.  

Inside holding area 18 1/2 inches wide

This head gate has a self catching door and it can also be operated manually for smaller animals. Easy catch and release system. When door is opened back toward animal there is up to 12″ opening and this is adjustable to smaller sizes. When door is
opened to the front the opening is 23 1/2″ for easy release.

Upgrade your older model Goatmaster Working Chute with (2) – Solid Working Chute INSERTS. These panels keep smaller sized animals from turning around in the head gate section. Panel will hang on opening side panel gates of chute. You can use one or two panels at a time depending on the size of the animal.

2)-Solid side holding area panels for the Goatmaster Working Chute 

Item numberProductPrice 
GM.SOLIDSolid Working Chute INSERTS $  225.00

Goatmaster Head Gate Front section only
The head gate section can be purchased alone without the holding chute, stand or ramp. This front section is the same as what is pictured on our Working Chute with stand and ramp, but
this is only the front head holding area of this set up. This has been added by request for people wanting only the Goatmaster front head gate section to add to their existing setup.

Item numberProductPrice 
GMHGGoatmaster Head Gate Front section only $  949.00

Digital Scales  – Will fit Goat Master or Economy Working Chutes or Scale Cage or any alley way. Will operate by electricity or battery. Weighs up to 1000 lb animals. 

Item numberProductPrice 
AS1000Digital Scale $  635.00
Item numberProductPrice 
GSG22- Way Sorting Gate $                   425.00
GSG33- Way Sorting Gate $                   643.00
#GSG3- 3 Way Sorting Gate in Fence Green color

Items listed below are individual components for the sweep tub systems.

Item NumberProductPrice
#GST408   Solid Alley Panel 8′$ 377.00
#GST4022′ Solid Alley Panel $ 177.00
#GST406A     6′ Curved Solid Tub Panel  (*2 required)$ 378.00 *each
#GSTG408     8′ Solid Tub Gate $ 756.00
#GSTB408     8′ Tub Bow Support bar and bow$ 166.00
Item NumberProductPrice
#GST410D   10′ Solid Alley Panel – With Drop Down Top Section$ 469.00
#GST410     10′ Solid Alley Panel              $ 428.00
#STGT         Stop Gate – Pendulum           $ 304.00
#GG  Guillotine Gate$ 347.00
#GP410      10′ Panel w/ 4″x4″ mesh$ 163.00
Examples of Large Size Working System Set Ups pictured above. We have several different options listed below. If you don’t see the set up below that you need, send us a drawing with dimensions, to let us know what will work for your operation and we can price the set up that you have designed.    
#1 System (no working chute) $                2,579.00
#1 System WITH Goatmaster Working chute $                4,697.00
#2 Sweep Tub System with GoatMaster Working Chute included $                5,898.00
#2 Sweep Tub System (without working chute) $                3,780.00
#2 Sweep tub system with Goatmaster Working Chute shown powder coated RED $     5,898.00
#3 Sweep Tub System (without working chute) $     4,304.00
#3 Sweep Tub System Including Working Chute $     6,422.00
#4 Sweep Tub System WITH Goatmaster Working Chute as pictured $     7,950.00


#6 Sweep Tub System WITH Goatmaster Working Chute $  10,647.00
Parts list for Working chute, Alleyway, and Tub System Assembly